Posts Tagged ‘cute’

28th October
written by oakie

giggle giggle

You can’t tell, but I’m laughing like crazy in this photo! Mom has her hand on my chest trying to hold me up so I’m sitting like a human. But it’s not working because I’m kind of top-heavy, and when she lets go, I topple over. But her hand is tickling me so I couldn’t sit up straight if I tried! Tee hee!


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27th October
written by oakie


Again with the pictures. Mom loves to snap photos of me when I do not want to have my picture taken. But at least I’m trying here. She told me to sit still and smile for the camera. I’m sort of smiling. Ok, not really. I’m really thinking Get me out of here this crazy lady is driving me nuts. But nutz or no nutz, I still love my mommy. She feeds me snausages.


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26th October
written by oakie

I can't believe you made me get up!

Dangit! I fell for it again! I was chewing my bone and mom asked if I was hungry and I got up from my comfortable seat and went to her and then she snapped a pic of me and didn’t even have a treat for me! What a bunch of baloney!!!


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25th October
written by oakie

Do you mind?!

OMG my mom is crazy. When I’m trying to have a nice time chewing my bone, she has to whip out her camera and disturb me. I usually ignore her, but then she tricks me and says something like ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘Do you want a yummy-yummy?’ ‘Do you want a cookie?’ and then I get all excited and I look up from what I’m doing and all she does is snap a photo and give me mini seizures with that camera flash. What a trickster. And I fall for it every time.


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24th October
written by oakie

OMG look how scary I am here!

One more week until Halloween! I can’t wait to break out my costume! I’m going to scare all the little kids with my spookiness. Never mind that I am super short and barely go up to their knees. But regardless, they will pee their pants when they see me! Stay away from me because I will cut you! Not really, but it makes me sound scarier.


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23rd October
written by oakie

Mom doesn't have any pictures of me going crazy in the grass. Why is she so lazy?

The weather is getting nicer here. It’s starting to cool down outside. I like to run in the grass. I love to roll around in the grass more. But mom doesn’t like that. I usually find the stinkiest spot on the lawn and I go buck wild with my frolicking. By the end of my flailing madness, I smell like cow poop. Mom doesn’t like that one bit. And I hate it when she scrubs me down afterwards. But the frolicking is so worth it!!


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22nd October
written by oakie

I can taste the air!

Happy Friday! Mom had the day off today, so she spent it with yours truly. How nice of her. We ate breakfast together. Then I went to sit by the window and bark at squirrels. She also sat by the window and barked with me. HA! I kid. She doesn’t do that. But sometimes she does mimic my bark. She thinks she fools me with it, thinking it’s another dog. But I know better. She’s got that human whiny-ness to her yelps. That don’t fool me at all!


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21st October
written by oakie

I am really enjoying myself

I am running out of things to blog about. I know, amazing huh? I am such an interesting dog. I may be the most interesting dog in the world. Some days I just sit on the floor and I don’t move for hours. How’s that for awesome?! Don’t you wish you could do that too? I thought so.


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20th October
written by oakie

Don't you see the sadness in my eyes, Frog?

I saw the frog again. That little bastard is toying with my heart. It wants me to sniff him (or her) and then it hops away. Then I chase after it, and it hops away some more into the darkness away from me. I’m too old for these games! Why won’t that frog just let me walk circles around it for all eternity?!


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19th October
written by oakie

I'm on the lookout for frogs.

So I’ve been seeing this frog lately. Not “seeing” seeing him like dating him, and I don’t even know if it’s a him or her, but during my nightly pee breaks, there is a frog that likes to hide in the grass. I think it’s spying on me while I potty. That horny little pervert. Anyway, I don’t know how to react to this frog. I walk circles around it very cautiously, never taking my off of it, all while sniffing it at the same time. I’ll do this repeatedly until the frog gets tired of it and decides to hop once. OMG! That scares the crap out of me. Then it’ll hop again. OMG I didn’t see that one coming! I am freaked out by now, but I can’t stop looking at it. But then it hops away and I’m all confused. Should I chase it? If I chase it, what will I do with it? Probably just walk circles around it some more. That frog is so mysterious.


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