Posts Tagged ‘cute’

7th November
written by oakie

Feed me! Please?

Sundays are weird for me. My eating schedule is totally wack. Sometimes mom will go out and come back late on a Sunday and forget to feed me. I’ll cry and ask her for food, but she doesn’t always understand me. Then she’ll take me out to poop and finally realize I should have eaten 2 hours ago. Then she’ll say sorry and feel really bad. That’s when I like to head butt her and tell her she failed as a mom! But then I say just kidding because I want her to feed me.


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6th November
written by oakie

Someone hurry up and spoon me!

Mom let me jump on the bed this morning. It was so awesome. She said it was because I had clean fur from my recent bath, so she let me snuggle with her this morning in bed before we got up to start our day. We played big spoon little spoon. I was the little spoon because the little one is always the cuter one. Then we slept for an hour. Then we got up. Then I had to pee really badly.


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5th November
written by oakie

This is the opposite of me after a bath. I go NUTZ!

Mom gave me a bath last night. It totally sucked. She turned on the bath water. I thought she was going to take her nightly shower. Everything looked normal, until she broke out the sitting stool. I thought to myself, that’s weird, mom doesn’t sit in the shower. I went into the bathroom to sit in my usual spot when mom washes those nooks and crannies off her. But I was more cautious this time, yet she was still fast enough to swoop me up into her arms and carry me into the tub. I fought, but in the end she won. She poured water all over my head. I hated it! I can only tolerate contained water! Keep it in a bowl, and don’t pour it over my head!!!


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4th November
written by oakie

Sometimes when I am sleeping, I like to look around. Then I go back to sleep.

I bet mom wonders what I do all day while she’s at work. Here’s a detailed breakdown of my daily schedule:

Bark at squirrel
Chase my tail

That pretty much sums it up. I get so much done when she’s gone. Now if only I knew how to open the doors, then I could poop on my own, too!


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3rd November
written by oakie

Huh? What am I looking at?

I really need a haircut. I can barely see behind my bangs. I look like Emo Oakie. But even though I know I need a haircut, I hate getting them. That’s why I hid mom’s scissors. She’s been looking for then since Sunday. HAHAHA!! She has no idea where they are! I totally hid them, but I’m not going to tell you in case she reads this blog. Oh man she’s gonna feel so stupid when she figures out where they are. So for now I guess I’ll just walk around with my impaired vision. It’s all good. I’m not embarrassed when mom throws the ball to me and I have no idea where it is even though it’s right under my nose!


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2nd November
written by oakie

I am too shamed to post a photo of scared me, so here I am doing nothing.

It rained last night. Not just any light rain. It rained hard. And it thundered. Really loudly. And there were huge flashes of lightning. I couldn’t sleep a wink! I kept mom up with my crying and whining all night. I’m sorry.. I’m scared of these things! Burglar? Monster? Giant squirrel? I got that covered. But the sound of thunder? I run for cover!!!


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1st November
written by oakie

OMG get me outta this thing

I looked so cute in my costume last night that I am posting another one of me in it. Here I am looking very dejected. I’ve lost the costume battle with mom. She won. I wore the danged outfit. Looks more like pajamas than a mummy costume if you ask me. But at least it’s designer-worthy. Martha Stewart brand. Yep, I’m stylin’. I’m mummy-licious.


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31st October
written by oakie

Happy Freakin' Halloween

Happy Halloween! Mom dressed me up as a mummy. I played the part perfectly. I was a super unhappy mummy and I moped around in my costume. Mom thought I was acting, but really I just hated my costume and I wanted out. We passed candy to trick or treaters. They all thought I looked super cute. Who can blame them? Sometimes I want to marry myself!


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30th October
written by oakie


One more day until Halloween! I can’t wait to wear my costume. I am so excited to show it off. The kids will be so scared when I come running out. I’ve been working on my Boo. So far it just sounds like Aroooo! I can’t get the B sound to work! What’s wrong with me!? Anyway, here is a picture of me making a scary face with my tongue. Are you afraid?


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29th October
written by oakie

I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!

I’m trying to sleep, but it’s hard to do with a camera going off in your face. Mom has been camera crazy these past few days. I guess I can’t blame her. I’d want to take a million photos of me too if I knew how to operate a camera. Instead I just sniff it when mom is holding it. Sometimes I’ll lick it, but that doesn’t do no good. I guess I just have to be the beautiful subject.


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