Posts Tagged ‘cute’

18th September
written by oakie

Obey me!

Here I am with my crazy eyes, sitting on my throne. You can see the cushion on top is starting to droop. Just wait til you see it now! It’s a complete droop. It’s so sad, I don’t even sit on it anymore! Trash it, I say! And buy me a new one!


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17th September
written by oakie


Is that a frog in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? HAHA I crack myself up! I love sitting with my legs like a frog. It cools off my belly, though it doesn’t really show that in this photo since I’m on carpet. I like the way it stretches my leg muscles too. Ribbit!


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16th September
written by oakie

weee wee weee all the way home!

I LOVE car rides! I HATE sitting in my car seat, but mom says Safety First! I love to stick my head out the window. Sometimes the window is partially up, so my nose and my tongue end up licking and smearing the glass with my slobber. It looks pretty nasty, but I don’t mind it. I add to it with every car ride!


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15th September
written by oakie

lickity lick

I have a really long tongue. Sometimes it hangs out the side of my mouth. When that happens, I look like a crazy dog. But mom says I still look cute, so I’m not worried. My tongue is so long I can lick my butthole, but mom doesn’t like that. I do it anyway.


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14th September
written by oakie

I love you Purple Guy with Big Feet

Mom came home from vacation yesterday!!! I was home alone, and she came back during the day. I was no expecting her, so I growled from upstairs thinking she was a stinky intruder. Turns out she only smelled like stinky Europe! I ran down and gave her a big hug! And then I ran off to play with my toys. Yay!


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13th September
written by oakie

So cooool

I like to sleep on cold surfaces. Even if it’s not the softest, it’s the coolest! I got a lot of fuzzy thick fur, and it gets hot when I take naps sometimes! So I’ll move from the carpet or my bed to the bathroom floor or kitchen. It’s so refreshing!


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12th September
written by oakie

I miss you, green toy.

I like to destroy my toys. Especially toys that have strange little things protruding from them. This green toy was ripped to shreds by yours truly. But it got me back. I ended up swallowing a big piece, and when I went to poop later, it got stuck in my butthole and I could not get it out. Mom had to pull it out of my butt for me. It was not pretty, and she was not happy. My butt kinda hurt too.


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11th September
written by oakie

I'm the most important thing in this photo.

Mom is shoe-crazy. She is also Oakie-crazy. So she took a photo of her two favorite things together. Me and Shoes. If it were up to me, I would be the only favorite thing on her list. But she loves her shoes. I personally prefer to put them in my mouth while she likes to put them on her feet. Go figure!


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10th September
written by oakie

I love sitting here on my throne!

When mom and I lived in an apartment, this would be my favorite seat in the house! It faced her back when she was at the computer. I could sit on it and keep an eye on her as well as look outside the balcony for bird intruders! I sat on it so much that it eventually caved in a little. Now it is lopsided and deemed useless. Haha! I did that!


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9th September
written by oakie

Imma git ya!

Here I am looking out the balcony. I like to see people walk by. I especially like to see people walking their dogs. Then I go crazy and bark because I think they can hear me. My barks are scary. I scare birds away without any effort. My bark is so ferocious!


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