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3rd September
written by oakie

I'm so embarrassed!

The other day mom took me for a walk and we passed by a window display of a cat charm. I saw it and immediately growled and barked at it and did my caution dance. Mom was laughing at me the entire time. It took me a while to realize it wasn’t real and that it didn’t even look like a real cat. Then I looked to the right and saw a dog charm and did the same thing! Mom picked me up and held me right in front of the cat charm and laughed. What a bia!!! Rub it in why don’t you!!


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  1. Natasha VAughan

    Hello i just seen a picture of your dog Oakie and I was wondering what breed he may be we have a puppy thats 17 months old that is Identical to your dog and the person we got our dog from said he was mixed mini poodle and Scottish terrier but we are thinking other wise we have been looking for dogs that resemble our fur baby but no luck till now

  2. 01/11/2011

    I’m not sure what kind of breed Oakie is. He was a stray before he became part of the family. The vet says he is definitely part poodle because of his curly hair. I think he is also probably part Lhasa Apso or Shih Tzu. Whatever he is, he is 100% cute!!! And I’m sure your puppy is, too!

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